Hungarians: There is Bread in Poker
The global financial crisis has spanned across geographic borders, sending turbulence in national and local economies. As a member state of the strong alliance of the European Union, Hungary may seek to adopt the use of the European currency. For the past quarters, however, Hungary‘s politically structured and open economy has experienced slow growth and an increase in inflationary rate.
In Hungary, shaken by the global financial meltdown, poker has become a form of entertainment and for others, a living. With the economic crisis and due to the attractive pay from job opportunities in gaming, about two percent of fresh University graduates seek to make poker a part of their living, following the lead of Peter Triply, a young Hungarian University graduate who is making good money in poker.
Triply has so far earned up to 100 million forint at poker tables across the globe and online.
The desire to make a living out of poker gets strongly appealing as unemployment in Hungary skyrocketed to about 10 percent, its highest in 13 years.
During an economic downturn, people seem that they do not get any luckier and so, others put in their money in the game of chance. Eastern Europeans are accustomed to living in risk. Yet only a few make a steady living out of poker and gaming.
There is easy money in gambling, which for others, shrinks their motivation to find a job and work for the long eight hours. Hungarians receive an average monthly salary of $640. In a good month of playing poker, one can receive almost four times as much as the average monthly income others receive.
Money-making in poker may substitute earnings from stable 9-5 jobs and augment a nations’ unemployment rate. Poker has also proliferated online with poker marathon sessions. With a few hundred dollars and some skills, one can make money as much as $10 000 per month in about one to two years.
As forms of entertainment, communication system and technology flourish, casino- gaming over the Internet has also proliferated. Accessibility with technology has spurred the growth of online poker which allows people to connect and play globally. However, in contrast with live casino gaming, online poker market is complex and hard to